For the longest time I thought was going to be a gathering place, a platform, for collecting folks together around things they were angry or upset about. You’d sign up to ‘a cause’ and have a way to organize. Like an online unionization platform for generating collective action. As-in ‘Retribution’… Netribution. But the word Netribution also associates with Attribution, and as such creates an interesting portmanteau around ‘internet’ and ‘attribution’. I was reminded of this recently when hearing about Bill Gross (Idealab) rolling out which looks to use AI to derive attribution for whatever Chat GPT et al are serving up! And sharing the revenue with original publishers. ProRata has raised a $25M series A round and has partners like Tony Robins. They are already signing up big publishers. I would imagine there are a lot of folks looking to bring similar products to market. Are you one of them? Looking for a great name?
Tag: Bill Gross
.TV Was The Brainchild of Bill Gross!
I was surprised to discover that Bill Gross was the original brainchild behind .TV!
I spent much of today listening to and learning about Bill Gross, the founder of IdeaLab. Take a look at the list of companies Bill has had a major part in. It’s actually scary how much he’s accomplished! Also very inspring to see how excited he is about eSolar and the potential this company has to change the world. The Stanford talk (audio) (video) is presented as a lecture followed by Q&A. You’ll hear some of his history, especially early history, but then much of his philosophy around building companies. Especially interesting to me was his description of a great team: E for entrepreneur, P for producer, A for administrator and I for integrator. The notion of a team needing a good integrator (someone who enables communication between the team) is not something I’ve heard anywhere else and Bill feels having one is essential.
I also listened to the always excellent Mark Suster, This Week In Venture Capital interview with Bill (audio) (video). Here Bill, at Mark’s encouragement, talks in detail about the evolution of his career and the many successful companies he’s created. I was surprised to discover that Bill Gross was the original brainchild behind .TV!
(Click arrow to play audio) Bill Gross on the idea of Dot TV.